M.A.X.™ uses active listening. Therefore, when M.A.X.™ is talking, M.A.X.™ cannot hear what you are saying.
When talking, try not to speak too fast or too slow. Be firm with your commands and be sure to speak in a clear and steady voice in order for M.A.X.™ to understand you.
For more assistance, please review our instructional videos here.
When M.A.X.™ is in Drone Mode, M.A.X.™ does not respond to voice commands and most play features are disabled. You can use the directional buttons on his MeccaBrain to control movement (forward, backward, left turn, right turn,) press the Red button to Record an LIM, and press the Yellow button to access your LIM Library.
M.A.X.™ can still access the App as usual in Drone mode.
For more details, please check the user guide.
M.A.X.™ comes pre-programmed from the factory to interact in English.