- Go to http://meccano.com/meccanoid-robot-updater.
- Download the Robot Update software listed under your operating system (Windows or MAC).
- Install the software and follow the prompts on your computer (click “continue” and “agree”).
- Once folder is downloaded to computer, click file to launch Robot Updater Software (or extract if necessary).
- Locate the included USB cable.
- Connect USB cable to computer. Please note only up to USB 2.0 is supported at this time.
- Insert micro USB end into the port on the MeccaBrain.
- Please allow MeccaBrain for up to a minute to connect. If you receive a “MeccaBrain not connected” message. Please try to reinsert and try again or restart your computer. If the MeccaBrain is not recognized by your computer and does not show up as a drive on your Windows computer (e.g. D:\MECCANOID) or on your desktop on your MAC computer, please check the USB cable or USB port for damages or try using an alternative (data transfer) cable or port.
- Once the MeccaBrain is successfully connected, click on the drop down menu fields to select robot type, language and update version. Perform a Total Memory Wipe if you would like to erase all customized features (stored LIM program, robot’s name, saved files, etc.).
- Click on large blue download button to start update.
- Once successfully download, you will see a prompt that says Update Complete. If update fails while in progress, please verify you have a stable internet connection and attempt steps 6-10 again.
- Congratulations, your MeccaBrain should now be updated.
How do I update the MeccaBrain™ on my robot?
Last Updated: 2608d