• Dragon Trainer: Turn dial to 2. Press belly to start game. For best results when playing, hold the dragon by the sides to avoid hitting the belly sensor. The Hatching Dragon will do an ACTION, and you give the correct COMMAND as fast as you can, make sure to give the right command or you'll have to start over.
    ACTION: Head moves side to side -- tap head sensors.
    ACTION: Mouth lights up -- tap belly sensors.
    ACTION: Flap wings -- lift into the air.
  • Roar Back: Turn dial to 3. Roar at Hatching Dragon and it will roar back. Try roaring louder and longer to see if you can keep up!
  • Ask Toothless: Turn dial to 4. Ask Hatching Dragon a “Yes” or “No” questions and it will respond to you with an answer. If the eyes light up and wings flap, that means yes! If it plasma blast you, that means no! Sometimes it will tilt its head side to side If it just doesn't know or ask again later.
  • Dragon Fire (multiple player): Turn dial to 5. Hold belly to start the plasma charge, pass Hatching Dragon around like a “hot potato” while it charges up to plasma blast. It will randomly plasma blast a player at any time during the game. Try not to get blasted! Hold the belly to start the charge again if you want to play another round.
  • Follow The Alpha: Turn dial to 6. Press belly to start game. Try to keep up. It will create sequences with its movements, lights and sounds. See how long you can repeat after it. ACTION: Eyes light up -- tap head sensors. ACTION: Plasma blast -- tap belly sensors. ACTION: Make a flying/soaring sound -- lift straight up in the air.
  • Dragon Dance: Turn dial to 7. Watch Hatching Dragon dance to your favorite tunes. It will rock back and forth when it hears music. You could sing to Hatching Dragon too!