- Once your nail is in place and the silicone is adjusted to your nail size, use your other hand to press down ONCE on the applicator to dispense a dollop of polish.
- You need to use the pink or purple GO Glam base polishes.
- You can control how much polish you dispense by how long you push and hold down.
- You can use a little less for smaller nails.
- Then gently dab the polish multiple times on your finger nail, making sure it's fully painted and with an even thin coat!
- Dab Off any excess polish from the tip Of the applicator onto your paper towel. You want to start fresh with each nail.
- If you find any polish has gotten on your skin around the nail, just gently wipe it off.
- Before your next nail, make sure you've wiped away any extra polish in the nail mask. Check out our How-To Video here to see this process.
My finger is now in the nail mask of my Cool Maker Go Glam Nail Studio. How do I apply the base polish to paint my nails?
Last Updated: 166d