​To apply the base polish to your nails, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Start with your thumb and paint each nail, ending with your pinky. 
  2. Hold the nail mask in place and press the button on the back to open it. Place your finger in and close the mask. Use the edge of the able so i rests more naturally in the nail mask.
  3. Use the silicone to adjust it to the size of your nail. We want to be painting JUST our nails, not cuticles or the skin on our fingers.  
  4.  Once your nail is in place,  press down once on the applicator to dispense a dollop of polish.  You can control how much polish you dispense by how long you push and hold down. You can use a little less for smaller nails.  
  5. Gently dab polish on your finger nail, making sure it’s fully painted! 
  6. Dab off any excess polish from the tip of the applicator onto your paper towel. You want to start fresh with each nail. 

Tip: If you notice any polish on your skins around the nail, just gently wipe it off.